Herzberger’s Motivator Hygiene Theory

Herzberger’s Motivator Hygiene Theory Herzberger said an employee’s motivation is affected by both hygiene factors and motivators.   Hygiee factors: are extrinsic and include salary, benefits, and work environment. Motivators are intrinsic and include growth and recognition. Herzberger discovered that…

Characteristics of a Transformational Leadership

Characteristics of a Transformational Leadership include: Charismatic: gains buy-in for the vision and mission, earns respect and trust, and enstills pride. Inspirational: communicates heightened performance expectations and encourages big-picture thinkin. Intellectual stimulating: promotes learing and development. Individualized consideration: coaches followers,…

Attributes of Transformational Leadership

Attributes of Transformational leadership involve championing a shared vision with employees. Leaders inspires awareness of and dedication to the group’s mission. Followers are empowered by facts, resources, and support so that they can approacch work in a committed, concerned, and…

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) (1938)

The FLSA is one of a handful of federal laws that establish the foundation for employee treatment. It is a major influence on how people are paid, in the employment of young people, and in how records are to be…

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) (1993)

In general, the Family and Medical Leave Act sets in place new benefits for some employees in the country. If their employer has 50 or more people on the payroll, then they are required to permit FMLA leave of absence…

Definition of Situational Leadership

Situational Leadership is rooted in adaptability. To Remain effective, a leader’s style must adapt with the situation. Depending on the circumstances and the maturity and ability of the team, a leader may lead by ddirecting, engaging, collaborating, or delegating.